Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Grand Bahama is one of the nicest places to bike.....if you stay off the main roads! Fortunately there are some great "through the neighborhood routes" that can get you from downtown to some great destinations like Banana Bay, Garden of the Groves, Barbary Beach, Dover Sound. All of these routes were discovered using Google Maps. The street maps of the island are not reliable as many of the streets on the maps don't exist but the Google satellite image is pretty clear.

Click on the maps to see them full screen and for printing.

The big map prints out pretty small but can give you an overall of where you are headed. The "route chunks" can be printed out with good detail. Enjoy and feel free to add new routes to places you bike to.

We have this Freeport to Casurina Bridge Route extended to Dover Sound Observatory Hill as well as to Barbary Beach and you can explore them by using the Link to Google Satellite Maps on the right side of this blog.

If you are interested in exploring, we are trying to find a Non-highway route from the Bridge to Macleans town. We have have one laid out on Google now (with a side route to Water Cay dock) but we need to get a little group together to make the first attempt....and probably break it into a couple days??


  1. This is a great beginning to help us explore the island by bicycle. Thank you so much for collecting this information and posting it. Grand Bahama is a perfect place to bike ride, thanks to its gentle topography and beautiful scenery.

  2. I agree that there are lots of beautiful places to explore by bicycle on the island. I have a map that is somewhat better than the usual Trailblazer map. It shows a road going east from the turn to Water Cay. These are mostly old logging roads. At first the road is a solid line, but I'm sure it is not paved. Then it turns to a broken line.
    I have been on part of the area identified with a broken like in a 4 wheel drive vehicle going to north riding point. It was much too rough for a road bike, but a mountain bike or in my case a hybrid should be adequate as long as you are in no hurry. It is approximately 30 miles from that turn to McLeans town, so a back up plan (or even a success plan!) is necessary.
    I also have an interest in bicycling to Owl's Hole. I see the general area west of GB highway before Old Freetown, but I'm not sure which road it actuall is. Anyone know the area?

  3. Hi Walt,

    I'll be moving to Freeport soon and was wondering if you could suggest a place to buy a bike. I don't need anything too fancy. Thanks!

  4. Thanks Walt. Just purchased a bike from Macs & will be following your map. Banana Bay across the bridge first up.......
